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home becoming home

6 months ago today we stepped off of a plane and into the arms of love. This was a day to celebrate, to cry, to rejoice in the faithfulness of a merciful God.

I remember the entire plane ride from Atlanta, so anxious, not knowing what was waiting for us when we landed. I was certain of one thing, we were going home. Home in all the senses of the word. Home where the joy of family lives, home where people know you, home where you simply have your own bed.

The overwhelming thought that my son was soon to meet his family for the first time, well it brought me to a loss of words. A boy who for 7 years had lived a life so uncertain of what family even was, who could only imagine what affection felt like, was going to walk of a plane and be bombarded with such goodness.

The airport was full of some of the best people on this earth. Family and friends who had walked with us as we brought Alek home. The people who cried with us, who sought the Lord with us, and who never let us walk a step alone. They welcomed this boy into their arms, their hearts, their lives with never meeting him. They gave and gave and never asked for a single thing in return. They gave of themselves, their time, their money, their love. Who could ask for more?

We hugged, a lot. We cried, we pinched each other just to make sure that this was real. And we thanked the Lord with these sweet friends.

We left the airport with full hearts (and thanks to some real special people a sonic drink & chickfila!) and headed home. The joy of seeing Alek walk into his home, his house, his room... what a privilege. It was a fun night of exploring the house, all the toys, and putting together his bicycle with the help of the grandparents.

As we sat down to read the bible and sing some songs, I held my son, in my arms, on my couch, in my home and the tears came. As we sang one of the two songs Alek knew at the time, Jesus Loves Me, I was reminded of the simple yet profound words that statement makes. Jesus Loves Me.

He loves me, he loves you. He created a world, a world that for a time was good, but sadly now is destroyed by sin. But yet, even in this sin stricken world he gives good gifts. He lets us see goodness, he lets us experience love, he lets us take part in the redemption plan of this world. Thankyou Jesus.

All photos by Chase Richardson

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